News September 2024

Selma Merbaum, Cerddi 1939-1941, translated by Mary Burdett-Jones together with an introduction, has been published by Melin Bapur. dolen i Melin Bapur
There are translations of the first seven poems on this website, see Cyfieithiadau. dolen i Cyfieithiadau — Selma Merbaum
Three of the poems were read in the course of an interview with Mary Burdett-Jones on the Dei Tomos programme, 22 September, on the BBC website. dolen i raglen Dei Tomos
There is an article about the volume on the website. dolen i
There is an elegy by Mary Burdett-Jones to Selma Merbaum at the end of the volume above and on this website, see Cerddi – Marwnadau. dolen i Marwnadau — Selma Merbaum